
Lyneham High School believes that excursions are a valuable part of the educational experience.

Every excursion requires a permission note but where there is an ongoing activity, one note will suffice. Students must have permission from their parents to participate in excursions.

School activities in the local neighbourhood are considered excursions, and an annual permission is sought from parents for students to participate.

The school expects the usual high standards of dress and behaviour of students on excursions. Should it be necessary for a student to be returned to school or home from an excursion, any additional cost will be borne by the parents.

As a safety requirement, all students are expected to be in uniform. Exceptions to this will appear in the information given to parents for particular excursions such as farm visits, etc.

Parents/carers who are experiencing financial difficulty should contact the school for a confidential discussion regarding financial support for any school expenses, such as excursions and school uniforms.